Tuesday, April 30, 2013


The secret to blogging will be to move on if we miss a day, and not try to catch up.  AJ bought lots of groceries today.  I know there were at least three stores involved. Not sure what he spent but the food he made was super tasty.

Krisitn ate
3 cups coffee
leftover chicken wild rice soup
diet coke
more crackers
burger patty with cheese stuffed inside
carmelized onions
red wine

Kristin Spent

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Big Day

"Ice out" is always a celebration at our house, even when it's more than five weeks late. To top it off, a Christmas leftover is on the menu, another big deal, especially when it was a lovely gift from two of the boys. Amanda kindly patted us on the head, said you kids have fun and sent us on our way. If we had tea, we could have a tea party on the ceiling!

Kristin ate
3 cups coffee with cream
Scrambled eggs with veg and cream cheese
2 slices bacon
Corn chips and cheese
1/2 cup almonds
Chunk of cheddar
2 diet cokes
Bubble water
3 pieces pizza
Sugar free jello and whipped cream
Red wine

Kristin spent $0

Aj ate

Scrambled eggs with veggies cream cheese
3 coffee with cream
2 bacon
1/4 cup trail mix
Corn chips with cheese and salsa and sour cream
Vitamin water
4 pieces pizza
Red wine
Diet root beer

Aj spent
$30.16. Target. Shampoo, deodorant, milk, pudding, raisins, applesauce
Almonds, vitamin water


Today in my class we had beach day. The kids bought towels for "laying out."  we made sandcastles with blocks and wrote poems and painted pictures.  We did it just for fun.  It felt like we needed to step out of the routine a little bit.  Also, when we had a snow day back in late fall, the snow started falling and didn't really stop until we started planning beach day.  It seemed possible, but a little loony, I'll admit, that our classes snow day made winter start.  Was it really so loony to think that a beach day might have the same effect?  Maybe not.  It turned 70 degrees that same day.

Later, delighted with a visit from Auntie Karen who was down to see her leg doctor and watch the ice go off the lake, we heard and saw the biggest, loudest loons ever.  EVER!  I went outside to take pictures because to my naked eye the loon looked like the size of a large deer.  The camera didn't do it justice, but it was huge.  And loud. Amanda and Thomas took a long canoe ride and saw lots of loons close up.   They looned away all night long, too.

What with our voracious snacking (see below) and Karen's cruel refusal to spend the night in a gluten-free household (just kidding everybody- she's still avoiding stairs and kindly hoped to leave me free to work on my stuff), we didn't get around to eating dinner until around 9:00.  But it was delicious.  Thanks to AJ for cooking (again)

Kristin ate:
scrambled eggs with mushrooms and tomatos
3 cups coffee
sugar free applesauce
gluten-free frozen coconut milk and mango treat
beef tritini
diet coke
3 handfuls of crackers
a piece of colby
2 more diet cokes
(I was sooooo sleepy!)
2 amylus chicken sausages
sweet potato fries
healthy choice fudgesicle
2 pieces extra dark chocolate

Kristin Spent
$10.19 Nook Book  (Lord Peter Views the Body)

AJ ate
scrambled eggs with mushrooms and tomatoes
2 cups of coffee with cream
diet rootbeer
15 carrots
4 domino sized pieces of cheese
1/2 cup trail mix
burger tritini
sweet potato fries
2 squares chocolate

AJ spent
but yesterday neglected to mention a 32 oz diet coke from SA $.75

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Long, long day with delicious interludes

Today AJ packed me the best lunch, I guess.  I got the last of the beef tritini, which is a layered spinach, cheese, mushroom and beef business that tasted like lasagne without all of the pesky noodles.  He had a gas station apple.  Dude.  
It was a long day, with the school council meeting that used to include pizza luce deliciousness but now has some volunteer food to tide us over til we get home for dinner.  At 8:30.  
What made the whole thing was workable was my delicious beef tritini lunch (there probably is no such thing as beef tritini.)  And a side trip to Kawalski's to get a nice little handcrafted salad.  With crab.  And pickled beets.  Oh baby, oh baby.

Kristin ate:
3 cups coffee with cream
beef tritini
diet coke
1/2 cup almonds
a protien bar from Dawn's snack box.  gluten free.
A lovely salad with spinach, beets, crab, chicken, steak, egg, and peppercorn ranch.
diet coke.
cheese and crackers
sugar free chocolate pudding

I might eat a fudgesicle in a little while.  Healthy choice.

Kristin spent-
$11.48  2 salads, 2 cokes from Kowalski's.

Long day little lunch = bad

Did not have much to Pack for lunch today so stopped at about 2:30 and bought an apple. So far not so bad then stopped at fleet farm to buy chicken supplies at about 4:30 still pretty starving and decided to buy some trail mix for a little snack. Once on the road had a small handful but then traffic slowed to 10 mph for about 15 minutes then came to a stand still. Hour and half later got home with and a quarter of the 24 oz bag of Trail mix gone ( 550 cal). So here is what AJ eat today;

2 cups coffee
20 gf cracker
Ounce of cheese
Bottle of squirt
6 cherry tomatoes
A baby belle cheese
Protein bar
Cup of trail mix
Burger tritini

Need to cut the junk out so I don't feel like I'm starving. Lesson learned? Tomorrow is another day time to get back on track

AJ spent

0.55 apple
$35 chicken feed
$7 grow light
$5.78 trail mix

Ice is looking pretty mushy tonight may be gone after tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

More than a month of eating and spending later...

Today my lovely Amy Sonquist sent me a facebook message that said "Remember when you used to blog?  I miss it!"  I miss it too.  I can't explain why we suddenly stopped, except that the week before spring break was gruelingly busy and I lost my groove.  I'm totally a groove person.  It also has to be Kristin initiated, because AJ will happily ride along, but he is not going to be the driver of the writing part.  And even though he is back at work, the mighty hunter has been the menu-driver for the family.
So here's what the blog did for us so far.

We are now totally wheat free and have been for... about 6 weeks, with a tiny scalloped potato and shortcake backslide on Easter.  We are also sugar free, mostly, and mostly junky carb free.  AJ has had the best result health-and-weight wise.  He is off allergy medicine, has no itchy skin, no tummy trouble, or achy bones.  Twelve pounds down.  This is the first time EVER AJ has in ANY WAY moderated his diet.  So, yeah.  Amanda and I are feeling great too.  Her pants slid off today.

The no spending groove continues, although I have relaxed a bit, have bought a bunch of nook books and some itunes songs.  Not so much else though.  Being a double income family again has been nice, but we are trying to be careful.  Planted seeds indoors for the garden.  Still little-to-no eating out.

The writing groove continued for me; probably the real reason I neglected the blog is that I was working hard on my thesis and thank god, have sent chapters 1-6 to my advisor.  Now in the midst of revisions.  I have ordered my cap and gown and will graduate in June.  Boom.  Tonight, not working on anything but this.  AJ is at the boy's Awana's musical, and I hope is filming it.   I got home late from my afterschool job and decided to stay in the chair, watch the sopranos, and ...yeah.  That's about enough.

Here's what I ate:
3 cups coffee with cream
1/2 cup almonds
green salad
tater tot hot dish (homemade mushroom soup)
diet coke
diet rootbeer
a delicious beef, spinach and cheese casserole
healthy choice fudgesicle

I spent

I'm hoping AJ will post after he's done at church.