Today my lovely Amy Sonquist sent me a facebook message that said "Remember when you used to blog? I miss it!" I miss it too. I can't explain why we suddenly stopped, except that the week before spring break was gruelingly busy and I lost my groove. I'm totally a groove person. It also has to be Kristin initiated, because AJ will happily ride along, but he is not going to be the driver of the writing part. And even though he is back at work, the mighty hunter has been the menu-driver for the family.
So here's what the blog did for us so far.
We are now totally wheat free and have been for... about 6 weeks, with a tiny scalloped potato and shortcake backslide on Easter. We are also sugar free, mostly, and mostly junky carb free. AJ has had the best result health-and-weight wise. He is off allergy medicine, has no itchy skin, no tummy trouble, or achy bones. Twelve pounds down. This is the first time EVER AJ has in ANY WAY moderated his diet. So, yeah. Amanda and I are feeling great too. Her pants slid off today.
The no spending groove continues, although I have relaxed a bit, have bought a bunch of nook books and some itunes songs. Not so much else though. Being a double income family again has been nice, but we are trying to be careful. Planted seeds indoors for the garden. Still little-to-no eating out.
The writing groove continued for me; probably the real reason I neglected the blog is that I was working hard on my thesis and thank god, have sent chapters 1-6 to my advisor. Now in the midst of revisions. I have ordered my cap and gown and will graduate in June. Boom. Tonight, not working on anything but this. AJ is at the boy's Awana's musical, and I hope is filming it. I got home late from my afterschool job and decided to stay in the chair, watch the sopranos, and ...yeah. That's about enough.
Here's what I ate:
3 cups coffee with cream
1/2 cup almonds
green salad
tater tot hot dish (homemade mushroom soup)
diet coke
diet rootbeer
a delicious beef, spinach and cheese casserole
healthy choice fudgesicle
I spent
I'm hoping AJ will post after he's done at church.
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